Kyle McDonald and the Red Paperclip Trade Up


Next up in our Pioneer series reveal is Kyle McDonald who is an unconventional Pioneer. The mark he has made on Digital resulted from real-time split decisions and a belief in ‘the journey’ rather than pre-ordained objectives.  He became world-renowned as the ‘trade-up’ guy, who worked his way from one red paperclip (traded on Craig’s list) to a house within a year.

Then he gave it away to test the power of digital in other ways.

McDonald’s story and his views on the phenomenon of digital make compelling reading. His sideways look at online community values provides a fresh way in to spotting the potential of connecting with like-minds through the power of the web.

Pioneers of Digital has launched in the UK and will be available on November 28th in the US – buy your copy now and check back soon for the next ‘reveal’.


Paul and Mel

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